Marketing with Lego®

Company logo and QR codes

Add some special style to your office space, or create an eyecatcher for your visitors! A little piece of Lego® Art in your office, lobby, or reception area captures attention and is the perfect talking piece. Depending on the style and complexity of your logo, it can be rendered as a Lego Art piece starting at sizes as small as 40 x 40 cms (ca. 16 x 16″).
Lego lettering and logos can be created in several styles. As a mosaic, the piece will combine your organization’s corporate design with the unique appearance of Lego. As a relief, it expands into the third dimension and turns your logo into a little piece of art. And finally, a logo can also be reproduced as a full-fledged sculpture – a sure magnet to visitors.

And wherever visitors to your fair or office need quick access to some of your pages on the web, consider providing mid-to large size QR codes in the form of a Lego mosaic. The combination of these two technologies combines user-friendliness and creativity in an absolutely unique way! Just let us know the target URL, the planned size, and your corporate design colors, and we will get back to you within a few days with a quote. For a Lego version of your logo, all we need is an image of the logo, the planned size, and your preferred variant (mosaic, relief, or sculpture).


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