Privacy Policy

Service Provider and Data Controller according to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Ingo Höltzig
- Ingo Höltzig Models and Design -
Saarlouiser Str. 65
80997 München

This declaration informs visitors to our website about the type, extent and purpose of the collection and use of their data by the service provider, as well as their rights under the terms of the GDPR and German national law (Telemedia Act Telemediengesetz (TMG) and Federal Data Protection Act Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG)

Collection of General Information
When accessing the website, the webspace provider automatically collects information from the requesting computer. This server log file information is of a general nature and does not enable us to identify you as a person.

Among the data collected are: website name, date, amount of data, web browser including version, operating system, the domain name of your internet provider, the referrer URL (the page from which you accessed our website), and the IP address.

Without these data, it is technically not possible to deliver and display the content of the website, making the collection of these data a mandatory technical requirement. In addition, we use these general anonymous data for statistical purposes to help us optimize the website and its technology. We reserve the right to check the log files if there is reason to believe that our website has been accessed in an illegal fashion.

If you register for our newsletter, we use the submitted data solely for the purpose of providing and delivering the newsletter, and to inform you you about this service or the circumstances and requirements of the registration. We do not provide this information to third parties.

Receiving the newsletter requires a valid e-mail address. In addition, the IP address of the device from which you are registering for the newsletter, as well as the date on which you registered are saved. These data serve to protect your privacy in case the service was misused and e-mail address was not submitted by the owner of the respective e-mail account. To further ensure that an e-mail address is not submitted illegally by a third party, we make use of the double opt-in procedure. In the course of this procedure, the newsletter registration, the sending of the confirmation e-mail and the reception of the registration confirmation are stored.

At any time, you have the option to revoke your consent to the storage of your data and your e-mail address and the reception of the newsletter. For this purpose, each newsletter e-mail includes a revocation link.

Contact form and E-Mail 
If you contact us via the website’s contact forms, or via e-mail, we store the information submitted by you to be able to reply to your request.

Third party services and content
Our website may include content and services offered by third parties, such as Google Maps widgets, embedded Youtube videos, and images stored on other websites. To be able to display these on your device requires transmitting the IP address of the device on which you are viewing the website.

Even though we seek to only include third party services which only request the IP address to be able to deliver the content, it is not under our control whether these third parties store your IP address.

This website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files which are stored by the server on your device’s browser. They include information on the browser, the IP address, the operating system, and the internet connection. We do not provide these data to third parties or match them with personally identifiable data without your consent.

Cookies serve a double purpose: They enable us to help you navigate our website better, and they enable displaying the website correctly. They are not used to introduce or execute malicious code or foreign applications.

As a visitor, you are free to view our website without allowing cookie usage. To do so, the respective settings in the used browser need to be changed. Refer to your browser’s help menu if you are unsure about how to deactivate cookies. Please note that doing so may prevent some of the functions of the website from working, and may have an adverse effect on the easy usage of the site. You may also refer to these pages to manage the cookies, and to specifically disallow some personally targeted advertising by websites visited by you: (USA) (Europa)

Use of Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics (wirklich?), a web trafiic analysis tool by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses cookies, text files stored on your device’s browser which allow analyzing you website usage patterns. The information generated by these cookies are usually transmitted to and stored on a Google server in the USA. However, this website anonymizes IP addresses (tatsächlich?) by truncating them before sending them to the US-based server if the request originates in a European Union member state or countries participating in the European Economic Area (EEA). Only in exceptions the full IP address is sent to a US-based Google server, and truncated there.

Google will use this information to analyze your usage of the website, to create reports on activites on the site, and to provide services to the provider of the current website. The IP address transmitted to Google by your device’s browser is not integrated or matched with other data which Google has access to. You can turn off the usage of cookies in your browser settings. Please note that when doing so, you may not be able to fully make use of the current website’s content and services.

You can also specifically prevent the collection and transmission of the website usage information generated by Google cookies, as well as the processing of thís data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plugin available here: browser plugin to deactivate Google Analytics

If you would like more information on Google terms of use and data privacy, please refer to

Data minimization
In line with to the principle of data minimization, we store personally identifiable data for no longer than is necessary to fulfil the purposes and deliver the service for whose fulfilment they have been collected, or only for as long as applicable legislation requires (data retention requirements). If the original purpose for which the data have been collected, ceases to exist, or if the retention period has elapsed, we block or delete the data.

Your rights to information, correction, blocking, and erasure
You have the right to demand from us a report on the personally identifiable data which we store about you, as well as to demand from us that we correct, block, or delete the data, with the exception of data which are subject to data retention, e.g. regarding business transactions.

To do so, please use the website’s contact form.

Changes to these data protection terms
To ensure that our data protection declaration always meets the current legal requirements, we reserve the right to change the declaration as required. This also covers changes to the terms to accommodate new or changed services offered by us. The updated data protection terms then become effective on your next site visit.

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