We offer customized Lego® models for your special occasion.
For your trade fair, anniversary, or exhibition – a tailor-made model from our factory guarantees a unique and lasting experience full of joy and inspiration for your customers and visitors.
Idea to Inception
The 8millimeter project started in 2015 and has been taking shape since 2017. It is the first step towards the realization of an enduring personal dream, a dream which I want to share with the world. I have been fascinated pretty much from the cradle by the neverending flurry of creative options with which LEGO®* can enrich a playful mind. For decades, gifted Lego fans and professional builders alike have created extraordinary models. They have always put a smile on the face of the beholder. There are models which stand out because of their daring size, like the Eiffel tower or the famous soccer arena in Munich, Germany. Others captivate audiences with their beauty and creativity, like the Rivendell diorama from the famous fantasy trilogy. And then there are models which most of all radiate the joy of their creators and are just fun to look at. Towards the end of 2015, the idea of offering these qualities to a wider public in the shape of a professional model factory had emerged from the inception stage into a fledgling but irresistible endeavor. 8millimeter.de then has been my chosen brand name as well as my home on the web since I entered the marketplace in 2017.
I'm looking forward to turning your ideas and suggestions into a captivating model of outstanding quality and creativity. As an eye-catcher for your event or fair, as a jewel for your exhibition, or as a gift for someone special. One that is beautiful, fun, and inspiring. That is our standard and our promise.
Our services
I draw from my own expertise and experience when making your ideas come to life, but I also include other specialists into building projects depending on the specific type and complexity of a building endeavor. You can thus be sure to always benefit from the best available mix of project management know-how, creative competence and technical expertise. In any project, you can rely on decades of combined experience in planning and realizing Lego scenes and models.
Our name
Let me know which special persons or which audience in your private or professional life you would like to enrich with a personal, tailor-made Lego model!

Cologne Soccer Stadium at the AngaCom 2018 in Cologne
Our vision and our promise
„Isn't that?“ – „This is possible?“ – „We could...!“ – „Where did that idea come from?“ – „Why this model (and not something different)?“
A model is „complete“, „whole“ if through it not only its mothers and fathers – and that includes you – reassure the beholder that he and she was the subject of much effort and consideration, but if it actuates our curiosity, if one begins to ask questions, if new spaces open up to the mind. This may be the most challenging task. For it means that there must be something nontrivial about the model. Something that is above what meets the eye. Something that complements the more naive joy, just as a good recipe will include a sweet note in a savory dish, or a few grains of salt in the sweet pastry. This something, we suggest, is the call to something new: „It can be done!“ All that goes into a model – attention, skill, creativity – is at last to echo the call: „On to something new!“.
Let us do something new together!

Ingo Höltzig
The Artisan Manager
Architecture, Pop Art, Dioramas, Project Management

Ingo Höltzig
The Artisan Manager
Ingo loves to create perspectives which have not existed before. Be it an infinity machine in steampunk guise or casting famous paintings as Lego® installations, the fascination always springs from one question: How can this design or technical idea be turned into Lego so that while seeing something familiar, one also sees something entirely new? His second passion is to create true-to-scale models of existing buildings using Lego to the max, yet in such a way as to give them the finer and more textured appearance of the more delicate classic scale modeling techniques. A deliberately placed stud here and there may then, of course, - and maybe should? - sometimes betray the models' heritage. As for style of working, he will do all he can to achieve maximum clarity about project goals and the joint creation process. Don't be surprised if, instead of dumping a container of bricks on the table on the first visit, he will first ask you about context and background of your idea, mood and preferences of your audience or presentee, and your expectations.
Ingo lives in Munich, Germany, with his wife and children, and is honored and thrilled to provide care and guidance for two burgeoning Lego builders. His kids are currently 10 and 12 years old. They have made their father's Lego enthusiasm their own, if not inherited it, and are much better builders than was their father in their age. One not-too-distant day they will greatly surpass him - a thought which he finds comforting and unsettling at the same time. Ingo can draw from a wealth of ideas and experience from his educational and professional background. He has a graduate degree in the humanities, and later added a degree in ministry. In his main occupation, he is an IT project manager and helps customers take complex business processes to a digital environment.
When he's not busy building something, he likes to read a good book, or to play one or several rounds of card and board games with friends.

Pieter de Vos
The Magician Technician
Machines, Lego Technic®, Lighting, Effects

Pieter de Vos
The Magician Technician
Pieter deserves to be called a genius by any standard. His passion is to turn Lego Technic® elements into pure wonder. He has built a pendulum clock including a clockwork that is fully functional in all respects using Lego and only Lego. He also likes to create devices which had not been seen before such as a functioning self-replenishing compressor. The challenge thrown us by a consulting firm to create a model which simulates a manufacturing process which then - cybersecurity - was to be hacked only served to get him going. He is the expert Technic(R) builder and the partner of choice when it comes to making things flash, shine, or move. In addition, he is stunningly good in other builders' creative domains such as architectural features.
Pieter will not rest until any model he lays his hand on - machine or mansion alike - will look and behave exactly as it is supposed to, all the while staying stable and usable. Pieter is, although a teacher in one of his other lives, our true usability expert.
Pieter is really spelled like that, for in his first home country Flemish is the tongue of the land. He has three children and grew up in Munich, Germany, where he also lives today. His range of interests and skills is as wide as is his Lego cabinet heavy. As a trained economist and mathematician he likes to delve into markets, probabilities and their theory, and the social parameters influencing economic decision making. His energy drink throughput has decreased noticeably since his recent discovery that rides on e-bikes make for really nice fresh-air breaks.

Jakob Hetkämper
The Can-Do Communicator
Dioramas, Buildings, Communication

Jakob Hetkämper
The Can-Do Communicator
Jakob is master of what is easily one of the biggest private Lego collections in the observable universe. There is no element which he has not seen and which he could not put to good use. His numerous activites and commissions send him to many places far and near, within Germany, the European Union and beyond, and have grown in him a wealth of building and project ideas as well as a truly amiable interpersonal presence. Jakob belives that great things are possible and he is right with that. He is the can-do and hands-on person, which makes him the perfect partner not only for executing a model idea but also for the joint exploration of options.
**I respect the LEGO group's wish to protect and to represent the company's brand and its products correctly. In its fair play rules, the LEGO group asks to add the (R) symbol when mentioning the name of the company or its famous products to make clear that LEGO and the products of the company are registered trademarks. 8millimeter.de is not commercially or otherwise affiliated with the LEGO group, and our products and services are not licensed, endorsed, supported, or authorized by the LEGO group.
I am aware that this does not add to the readability of the texts on this website and ask your understanding for this necessity.